ECOSS, the 30th European Conference on Surface Science, will be taking place on 31 August – 05 September 2014. The conference venue is the Kervansaray Lara Convention Centre in Antalya on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey.
The event will include talks and poster sessions, with prizes for the best presentations, as well as a gala dinner. The talks and posters will cover a comprehensive range of surface science topics including polymer surfaces, chirality, nanoparticles, electrochemistry, electronic and optical properties of surface structures, nanomaterials, thin carbon layers and graphene, ultra-thin films, semiconductors, tribology and many more.
The full programme is available on the ECOSS conference website.
Registration has now closed.
Blue Scientific Lecture Tour
On the week following the conference, spectroscopy expert Dr Curt Marcott will be giving a series of lectures in Turkey. Lecture venues will include:
- Koc University, Department of Chemistry
- İzmir Kâtip Çelebi Üniversitesi
- UNAM Institute of Materials Science and Nanotechnology
Contact us for dates and a full list of venues.
Dr Curt Marcott will also be giving a talk at ECOSS on Thursday 4th September at 2:40pm entitled “AFM-based nanoscale infrared spectroscopy of monolayers and ultra-thin films”.
About Dr Curtis Marcott
Dr Curtis Marcott is a Senior Partner at Light Light Solutions, a spectroscopic consultancy. A former research fellow at Procter & Gamble, Curt was the 2011 President of the Society of Applied Spectroscopy and is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Applied Spectroscopy. He is a past member of the editorial advisory boards of Analytical Chemistry and Vibrational Spectroscopy, the A-page advisory panel of Analytical Chemistry, and the board of managers of the Coblentz Society. He served as programme committee chairman for the 2009 FACSS Conference and the Sixth International Conference on Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy (ICAVS-6). Dr. Marcott received the 1993 Williams-Wright Award from the Coblentz Society for achievement in vibrational spectroscopy, was named the 2001 Cincinnati Chemist of the Year, and is an Adjunct Professor of Chemistry at Miami University in Oxford, OH. Curt obtained his PhD in Chemistry from the University of Minnesota in 1979.