Nanobrücken 2015 is an annual nanomechanical testing workshop and Hysitron User Meeting. This year the event will be on 21-23 April 2015 at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam, Germany.
All are welcome – the workshop covers all aspects of nanomechanical and nanotribological testing, including biomechanical, in-situ experimentation and theory/simulation. This will be the 5th edition of the Nanobrücken workshop series, previously held at INM Saarbrücken and TU Dresden and Fraunhofer IZFP Dresden.
As well as the talks and competitions, there will be a conference banquet, awards and a social evening.
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Prof. Mathias Göken, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Confirmed Invited Speakers
- Eve Donnelly, Cornell University, USA: “Nanomechanical and Compositional Characterisation of Bone Tissue in Health and Disease”
- Johannes Konnerth, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences: “Novel Applications of Nanoindentation in Wood Science – Mechanical Properties and Interface Performance of Wood Cell Walls”
- Martin Gall, Fraunhofer IKTS-MD, Germany: “In-Situ Investigation of Time-Dependent Dielectric Breakdown Mechanisms in Cu/Low-k Nano-Interconnects”
- Finn Giuliani, Imperial College London, UK: “Imaging Stress Induced Domain Movement in Barium Titanate by In Situ Electron Microscopy”
- Helge Fabritius, Max Planck Institute for Iron Research: “Small-Scale Structure-Property Relations in Structurally Graded Biological Materials”
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Registration is now closed.
Contribute a Talk or Poster
- Contributed presentations – alongside the keynote and and invited talks
- Student Talk Competition – open to anyone who is a student at the time of the workshop
- Poster Competition – open to everyone.
All aspects of nanomechanical and nanotribological testing are welcome, including biomechanical, in-situ experimental ad simulation/theory. Student contributions are encouraged.
Use the Abstract Template to submit your abstract to with ABSTRACT in the subject line. The deadline for submitting abstracts is 20th March 2015. Remember to indicate whether your abstract is for a Talk, Student Talk or Poster as directed in the template.
Oral Presentations
Using your own laptop is preferable. You are also recommended to bring a backup of your presentation on a memory stick.
Poster Presentations
Posters should be prepared in A0 portrait format. Stands and pins will be provided.
If you have any questions about the event, please contact
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