Chem Eng Day UK 2015 is a scientific conference about chemical engineering at Sheffield’s City Hall on 8-9 April 2015, organised by the University of Sheffield and IChemE. Visit our stand at Chem Eng Day to discuss your materials or energy research, and find out more about our impedance testing systems.
The event aims to encourage interaction within the UK chemical engineering academic community and to enhance communication among researchers and practitioners working in chemical engineering. Distinguished plenary speakers, parallel technical sessions and poster sessions, will showcase technological advances and research in core areas of chemical engineering, with leading experts from academia and industry.
Who should attend?
Academic researchers and industrial professionals at all levels working within research in chemical engineering and related sectors, particularly those based within the UK.
The delegate rate for the two day conference is £245, which includes the conference dinner, drinks and lunch on both days. The student rate is £195.
Registration has now closed.
Wednesday 8th April
09:00 REGISTRATION & refreshments
10:30 OPENING ADDRESS: Welcome from Professor Geoff Maitland [Imperial College, President IChemE], Professor Mike Hounslow [PVC Engineering, University of Sheffield], Kedar Pandya [Engineering Lead, EPSRC] & event partner Siemens.
11:00 Plenary speakers
12:30 Lunch
13:30 PARALLEL SEMINARS: Water & Food Security, Manufacturing Value, Materials Innovation
15:00 Refreshments
19:30 Conference Dinner at the Cutlers Hall, Sheffield
Thursday 9th April
08:30 Refreshments
09:00 PARALLEL SEMINARS: Sustainable Energy, Biological Engineering, Education, Outreach & Training
10:30 Refreshments
11:00 POSTER SESSION / PARALLEL SEMINARS: Sustainable Energy & Manufacturing Value
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Closing address: Professor Mike Hounslow [PVC Engineering, University of Sheffield] with Theme Poster Prizes
13:30 Close of conference
Chem Eng Day UK 2015 Themes
Water and Food Security – Agriculture is a thirsty business, with irrigation alone accounting for about 70 per cent of freshwater withdrawals. Meeting the food demand from a world population expected to top 9 billion people by 2050 will require a huge increase in water availability, land efficiency and food production technology.
Meeting the Sustainable Energy Demand – Increasing the amount of energy the UK gets from low-carbon technologies such as renewables and nuclear, and reducing emissions through carbon capture and utilisation will help us to make sure the UK has a secure supply of energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions to slow down climate change and stimulate investment in new jobs and businesses.
Materials Innovation – The development of fundamental innovations in manufacturing at the molecular level and creating new materials with step-change functional enhancement in a range of important applications including energy, home and personal care, pharmaceuticals, genomics, food and drink, paints and coatings and bio manufacturing.
Biological Engineering – Tools to mimic biological systems to create products or modify and control biological systems so that they can replace, augment, or sustain chemical and mechanical processes, such as the genetic modification of plants and micro-organisms, bio-process engineering, biocatalysis, computational biology, protein stability and engineering, and systems and synthetic biology.
Increased Manufacturing Value – Leading-edge creation of products and production processes that bring sustainable growth and high economic value from R&D to recycling via process optimisation, computational (in-silico) modelling and re-manufacturing.
Chemical Engineering Education, Outreach and Training – Using our knowledge to increase excitement for learning STEM, improving our knowledge transfer and communication skills, increasing general public technological literacy and awareness of the importance of STEM for society.