ASMCS 2016 Annual Surface and Materials Chemistry Symposium
Visit us at ASMCS 2016, the Annual Surface and Materials Chemistry Symposium on 8-10 November 2016 in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Blue Scientific is the official distributor for Bruker Nano Surface Analysis instruments in Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland). This includes AFM, 3D optical microscopes, stylus profilers, tribology and mechanical testing. For more information and quotes, please contact us.
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ASMCS 2016
ASMCS 2016 is a new event, combining two materials science conferences:
- “Materials for Tomorrow”, an annual symposium for scientists and industry to exchange views on challenges and possibilities in materials science. Hosted by the Materials Science Area of Advance at Chalmers.
- Annual international symposium organised by The Division for Surface and Material Chemistry within the Swedish Chemical Society.
This year these two conferences will be combined and organised jointly. The meeting is for materials scientists, chemists, engineers and experts in all fields of materials applications, in academia and industry. This will stimulate discussions on interfacial materials research, based on new theories and refined modeling strategies. Share knowledge and discover the ever increasing opportunities created by progress in nanoscience and nanotechnology.
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The conference be held over three days from 11am on Tuesday 8th November until midday on Thursday 10th November 2016. There will be plenary sessions and parallel sessions – the full programme will be announced nearer the date.
- Full programme of presentations:
- Plenary talks by internationally recognised scientists in materials and surface chemistry
- Invited talks by scientists affiliated to Swedish and foreign universities
- Talks by researchers from industry presenting the science behind on-going R&D activities
- Poster presentations – contributions are welcome from both academia and industry
- Poster sessions will start with a “speaker’s corner”, with quickfire 1-2 minute introductions to the posters
- A book of abstracts from all talks and posters will be made available
Submit an Abstract
The deadline for submitting poster abstracts is Friday 30th September 2016.
The template and submission form are available on the ASMCS 2016 website.
The deadline for earlybird registration is Friday 7th October 2016. There are special rates for PhD students.
The meeting will take place in Gothenburg at Chalmers Conference Centre in the Student Union Building (Kårhuset). For a large part of the conference, there will be two parallel sessions (in Lecture Halls Runan and Palmstedtsalen), with plenary sessions held in RunAn.