Visit us at Tribology Days 2016, a Swedish tribology conference in Luleå on Monday 14th – Tuesday 15th November 2016.
Find out more about our instruments for tribology, including the Bruker UMT TriboLab and NanoForce.
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Tribology Days 2016
The two day conference is organised by Luleå University of Technology. The event provides an opportunity to learn about and discuss the latest Swedish tribology research, along with a social conference dinner.
Monday 14th November 2016
- 10:00 – Coffee and registration
- 11:00 – Introduction and opening
- 12:00 – Lunch
- 13:00 – Presentations
These will include Nazanin Emami’s professor inauguration talk “Multifunctional polymer composites for tribological applications”. More speakers and titles will be announced shortly. - 15:00 – Coffee
- 15:30 to 17:00 Presentations
- 19:00 approx. – Dinner
Tuesday 15th November 2016
- 08:30 – Presentations
- 10:00 – Coffee
- 10:30- Presentations and discussion
- 12:00 – Lunch
- 13:00 – Transport to Gestamp Hardtech AB
- 13:30 – Presentation and display of Gestamp Hardtech AB.
- Konstantinos Bakoglidis, Linköping University, ”Carbon nitride coatings for bearing components grown by reactive magnetron sputtering”
- Farid Akhtar, LTU, “Mechanical properties and wear behavior of ceramic reinforced steel matrix composites”
- Jonas Ståhl, SKF, “Analysis of floating bushing performance in cam-follower units”
- Francesc Pérez Ràfols, LTU, “Metal-to-metal seals: leakage through loading and unloading”
- Henrik Mårtensson, Scania, “Simulating the effects of surface roughness on hydrodynamic lubrication in an industry project”
- Erik Nyberg, LTU, “Molecular design of advanced lubricant base fluids”
See our Tribology Instruments
Find out more about our scientific instruments for tribology:
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Bruker UMT TriboLab
- Perform all common tribological tests at nano and micro scales.
- Versatile, modular system.
- Faster, greater torque and more accurate than any other tribology instrument.
[mini-icon icon=”arrow-right”] More about the UMT TriboLab
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Bruker NanoForce
- Combines micro- and nano-mechanical testing with AFM imaging and nanoscale characterisation.
- Quasistatic and dynamic indentation technology.
- All-in-one system.
- ±100 nanometers stage resolution across the entire measurement area.
[mini-icon icon=”arrow-right”] More about the NanoForce