The 14th Bruker TOPAS Users’ Meeting will be on Friday 29th June – Sunday 1st July 2018 in Edinburgh, UK. All are welcome: both TOPAS users and those interested in learning more about Bruker’s XRD software and its applications.
Blue Scientific is the official Nordic distributor of Bruker XRD, in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland. For more information and quotes, please get in touch:
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TOPAS Users’ Meeting
The 14th TOPAS Users’ Meeting will be on 29 June – 1 July 2018 at the Radisson Blu in Edinburgh.
The meeting will review of state-of-the-art profile fitting analyses using Bruker’s TOPAS XRD software, with a programme of talks from invited speakers. The major component is to demonstrate modelling methods using TOPAS and related applications in X-ray and neutron diffraction.
Key Topics
- Crystal structure determination and refinement
- Microstructure analysis
- Pair distribution function analysis
The users’ meeting is open to everyone, both TOPAS users and non-users. The event is an opportunity to discover more about TOPAS’s capabilities and applications.
Participants are encouraged to submit discussion topics to the organisers in advance. The final schedule will take issues of general interest into account. Presentations and example data used will be distributed to the participants as made available by the speakers.
The date of this event has now passed. Details of upcoming conferences are available on our Events page.
The users’ meeting precedes EPDIC16 (the 16th European Powder Diffraction Conference), also in Edinburgh, giving you the opportunity to attend both in one trip.
Blue Scientific is the official Nordic distributor of Bruker XRD, in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland. For more information and quotes, please get in touch: