Visit us at the Surface Characterisation Conference on 5-6 March 2018 at the Danish Technological Institute in Taastrup, Denmark.
Blue Scientific is the official Nordic distributor of Bruker AFM, 3D optical microscopes, stylus profilers, tribology testing systems and micro-XRF. If you have any questions or if you’d like a quote, please get in touch:
[icon icon=”info”] Bruker Nano surface analysis systems
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Surface Characterisation Conference
The Surface Characterisation Conference aims to give companies and researchers new insights into the wide range of surface investigation techniques and possibilities.
The event will show you the methods available for your surface-related challenges in product development, quality control, failure analysis, etc. Find out which techniques are possible, how to use them and their advantages and disadvantages.
There will be talks, networking opportunities and an exhibition where you can meet suppliers and find out about new analytical instrumentation. Come and see us to find out about Bruker’s systems for surface characterisation!
Sessions will include:
- Surface topography
- Chemical analysis
- Hardness and mechanical properties
- Corrosion measurements
- Optical and electron microscopy
- Tabletop SEM
Bruker Talks
Don’t miss these talks from Bruker:
Quantitative characterization of nanostructured materials using TKD in SEM
Laurie Palasse, Senior Application Scientist (EBSD), Bruker Nano GmbH
6th March 2018, 9:45am
Quantitative characterisation of nanostructured materials requires high spatial resolution orientation mapping at large scales. Transmission Kikuchi Diffraction (TKD) is a SEM technique that gives you results similar to EBSD, with spatial resolution up to one order of magnitude greater. The field of view is much larger than TEM. TKD analysis uses electron transparent samples (FIB lamella, nanoparticles, TEM foil) together with EBSD hardware and software. The talk will present statistical data obtained from large-area TKD orientation mapping at high speed.
Basic physical principles for micro-XRF analysis
Max Bügler, Applications Specialist Micro-XRF, Bruker Nano GmbH
6th March 2018, 10:45am
An introduction to micro-XRF, starting from the X-ray source, to sample interaction and detection. Learn about the limits and possibilities of this non-detsructive technique, which gives you information about elemental distribution and layer/bulk composition. The differences between micro-XRF benchtop systems and XRF analysis will be explained.
The field of application for micro-XRF analysis
Esa Nummi, Director Product Management, Bruker Nano GmbH
6th March 2018, 11:15am
Different micro-XRF instruments give you different benefits, in various applications. New fields are constantly being explored with various depths of analysis. This talk will cover the possibilities, with real examples and background explanation, along with a comparison of the Bruker M4 Tornado, M1 Mistral and S1 Titan.
The date of this event has now passed. For upcoming conferences, please see our events listing.
Visit our Stand
Come and see us at the conference to find out more about Bruker’s instruments for surface characterisation: