Visit us with Bruker at 3DMS 2018, the 4th International Congress on 3D Materials Science on 10-13 June 2018 at Kulturværftet (Culture Yard) Conference Center in Helsingᴓr (Elsinore), Denmark.
Blue Scientific is the official Nordic and UK distributor of Bruker Micro-CT. If you have any questions or if you’d like a quote, please get in touch:
[icon icon=”notebook”] 3DMS 2018 website
[icon icon=”info”] Bruker Micro-CT
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3DMS 2018
The International Congress on 3D Materials Science is a conference for researchers and professionals in the field of 3D materials science. The event brings together current knowledge across all fields of materials science, with discussion about the current state-of-the-art and crucial areas for future research.
This year the conference will cover a variety of topics in 3D materials science, with emphasis on the most critical, rapidly growing, innovative subject areas. The event is for all kinds of materials researchers including scientists, engineers, managers, government programme officers, professors and students.
The congress will include:
- Welcome reception
- Plenary, keynote and invited lectures, and contributed presentations
- Panel discussions
- Exhibition
- Interactive poster session
- Conference dinner
Keynote Speakers
- Tresa Pollock, University of California, Santa Barbara
- Henry Proudhon, Mines Paristech, Centre des Matériaux
- Stephane Roux, National Center for Scientific Research
3DMS 2018 aims to cover all areas of current interest and significance to the three-dimensional characterisation, visualisation, quantitative analysis, modeling and development of structure-property relationships of materials. The programme will cover these areas and their related topics:
- Methods for materials simulation, modelling and characterisation in 3D
- 3D data processing and reconstruction algorithms
- Process-microstructure-property relationships in 3D
- Materials dynamics in 3D
Register on the 3DMS website.
[button link=”″ size=”medium” target=”_blank” icon=”user” color=”blue” lightbox=”false”]Register now[/button]
Full details about accommodation and directions are on the 3DMS 2018 website.
Bruker Micro-CT
Come and see us on the Bruker stand to discuss their range of micro-CT systems for non-destructive 3D internal X-ray imaging:
- Fast, GPU accelerated image reconstruction
- Scan samples up to 200mm and 20kg
- Sub-micron resolution
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