Visit us at NORDTRIB 2018 on 18-21 June 2018 at Uppsala University in Sweden. This will be 18th Nordic Symposium on Tribology, which is held every two years around the Nordic countries.
Blue Scientific is the official distributor for Bruker tribology and nano surface analysis instruments in the Nordic region (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland). For more information or quotes, please get in touch.
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NORDTRIB is an established platform for researchers and developers from universities, research institutes and industry to present their latest work and discuss topics related to tribology.
The conference covers fundamental and applied aspects of friction, wear and lubrication, at all scales. It will focus on promoting knowledge of tribological phenomena at small scales and their relation to the tribological performance and functionality of tools and components in all tribological applications. Contributions related to tribology in the global challenges of energy and sustainability are especially welcome.
NORDTRIB 2018 is hosted by the Ångström Tribomaterials group at Uppsala University. The conference venue is the main university building from 1887, in a convenient location in the city centre.
The conference topics include these areas; the list is not exhaustive so other areas of tribology are welcome:
- Sustainability and energy aspects of tribology
- Mechanisms of friction and wear
- Lubrication
- Industrial tribology
- Lubricated wear
- Coatings for tribology
- Wear resistant materials
- Polymer tribology
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- Modelling in tribology
- Automotive tribology
- Rock tribology
- Tribology in electrical contacts
- Biotribology
- Surface texturing for tribology
- Everyday tribology
The conference runs from lunchtime on Monday 18th June 2018 until lunchtime on Thursday 21st June 2018. In the evenings there will be a welcome reception, opportunity for a tour of the town or Gustavianium, the university museum, and a conference dinner at Uppsala Castleon the final evening. The full programme is available on the NORDTRIB website.
Register online on the NORDTRIB website. There are special rates for students:
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Tribology Testing Instruments
Blue Scientific is the official distributor of tribology testing instruments from Bruker. Come and see us at our stand to find out about the range:
Bruker NanoForce
Combines micro- and nano-mechanical testing with AFMand nanoscale characterisation:
- All-inclusive testing system
- ±100 nanometre resolution across the entire measurement area
- Dynamic testing included as standard
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Bruker UMT TriboLab
Versatile mechanical tester and tribometer:
- Faster, with greater torque and more accurate force measurement than any other tribology instrument
- Modular system with a wide range of functionality
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