We’ll be at the SEMT Meeting 2020 online electron microscopy meeting on Wednesday 9th December 2020. This year the event will be a virtual meeting via Microsoft Teams.
[icon icon=”user”] Register for the SEMT Virtual Meeting 2020
[icon icon=”notebook”] Articles about microscopy
[icon icon=”next”] Contact us on +44 (0)1223 422 269 or info@blue-scientific.com
SEMT 2020
The SEMT meeting is organised by the Society of Electron Microscope Technology. The programme includes a mix of biological, clinical, materials and physical sciences.
- Alexandra Porter
- Stefan Diller
- Nigel Browning
- Alex Sheader
- Barry Brennen
- Mathew Hanna
The full programme is now available:
[button link=”http://www.semt.org.uk/uploads/6/1/2/7/61277745/semt_programme_2020.pdf” size=”medium” target=”_blank” color=”blue” lightbox=”true or false”]Download the Programme (PDF)[/button]
Registration is now open on the SEMT website:
[button link=”https://www.rms.org.uk/semt-virtual-meeting-2020.html” size=”medium” target=”_blank” icon=”user” color=”blue” lightbox=”false”]Register for SMT 2020[/button]
RMS Beginners Competition
The RMS Beginners’ Competition is a platform for those new to microscopy to present their work in front of an audience. Unfortunately the competition will not be taking place this year.
Instruments for Microscopy
BlueScientific is the official UK distributor for these ranges:
- Bruker Micro-XRF
- Bruker Micro-CT (also known as X-Ray Microscopy)
- Photothermal Spectroscopy Corp O-PTIR
- CAMECA – Elemental and isotopic microanalysis