TD-NMR case studies about hydrogen content analysis in refineries and oil, moisture and protein content analysis in the food/feed industry. Watch recorded webinars from Bruker and find out more about TD-NMR (time-domain nuclear magnetic resonance) analysis.
Hydrogen Content Analysis
This webinar explains how TD-NMR works and how it is relevant in the refining industry, with case studies from customers about how the Bruker minispec solved their own technical challenges. Discover how you can explore “what-if” scenarios, optimise processes and catch flaws in on-going processes, or during the development phase, before they become costly to fix.
Downstream processes in refineries in the petrochemical industry involve characterisation of crude oil and distillates. Fast and accurate quantitative estimation is extremely important. TD-NMR mees these criteria, quantifying many important parameters including hydorgen content (%H). This is an established ASTM technique, which can be implemented easily into routine process control. Bruker benchtop TD-NMR instruments require very little bench-space and minimal time to operate.
[icon icon=”podcast”] Watch the recorded webinar on Bruker’s website (registration required)
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Oil / Moisture / Protein Analysis in Nuts and Seeds
This webinar covers how TD-NMR works and its capabilities relevant to the oil and seed industry. Hear case studies from customers about how they solved their technical challenges with the minispec.
- Monitor the oil content in seeds, on dry-matter basis, as soon as the truck arrives at the receiving dock, and determine the price to pay with confidence. Avoid paying for moisture, and pay your supplier a fair price.
- Monitor the efficiency of your oil extraction process by monitoring oil and moisture content in seed cakes during extraction, in just few seconds, without any sample prep. Correct process parameters real-time and avoid unnecessary loss.
- Precisely measure the oil, moisture and protein content in seed cakes before dispatch to feed manufacturing plants. Calculate the correct price based on the nutritional content of the raw materials you’re selling.
All of these are possible without any sample prep, using a Bruker benchtop TD-NMR system, compliant with official standards including AOCS, ISO, USDA GIPSA. Calibration takes less than 5 minutes, with stability that lasts years. Discover how you can determine incoming seed pricing, optimise extraction processes and catch flaws ‘real-time’ in on-going process or during the development phase, before they become costly to fix.
[icon icon=”archive-download”] Download the slides