Blue Scientific is now the exclusive representative of Bruker Nano Surfaces, for sales of atomic force microsopy (AFM), stylus and 3D optical profilometers and tribology and mechanical testing products in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland.
All enquiries relating to sales of Bruker Nano Surfaces products in the Nordic region should now be directed to Blue Scientific.
Your contact: Dr. Stephen Badger
+44 (0) 77 400 43122
Dr. Stephen Badger has extensive experience with the Bruker Nano Surfaces product line, having worked directly for Veeco and then Bruker in various sales and sales management roles from 2000 to 2013, before establishing Blue Scientific as a distributor of market-leading research instrumentation.
Customers in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland should be aware that all product service and support matters will continue to be managed directly by Bruker’s service team. If you require support, please contact
Bruker Nano Surfaces Products
The nano surface analysis product range includes:
Complete range of Bruker Atomic Force Microscopes, from entry level systems to the most advanced AFMs, with industry-leading specifications. Bruker AFM microscopes incorporate a number of impressive proprietary and exclusive technologies, including PeakForce Tapping, ScanAsyst and many more. Applications include materials science, biology, semiconductors, data storage devices, polymers and optics. Measure nanoscale topography, as well as nano-mechanical, nano-electrical and nanoscale chemical mapping. Bruker is also the only major atomic force microscope manufacturer with its own state-of-the-art probe nanofabrication facility.
3D Optical Microscopes
Non-contact surface metrology, precision 3D surface measurement and inspection. Fast, non-contact analysis of all sample sizes, from microscopic MEMS to entire engine blocks. Bruker 3D optical microscopes are in use in thousands of research labs, manufacturing shop floors and semiconductor fabs worldwide. The range includes specialist instruments for precision machining in QA/QC and R&D, as well as manufacturing applications in the automotive, aerospace, high-brightness LED, solar, semiconductor and medical device industries.
Stylus Profilers
Measure varied surfaces from traditional 2D roughness surface characterisation and step height measurements, to advanced 3D mapping and film stress analysis. Bruker’s Dektak surface profilers are widely used for measuring thin film thickness, stress, surface roughness and form in applications from educational research verification to semiconductor process control. Dektak systems are also being adopted as characterisation tools in the solar cells industry, and are currently in use with major photovoltaic solar cell manufacturers.
Tribology and Mechanical Test Instruments
Research into materials and how to improve their strength, integrity or durability is essential in product design and improvement. Bruker’s mechanical testing instruments are comprehensive and versatile systems for thoroughly investigating tribology. Measure friction, wear, load, hardness, lubrication and other mechanical properties for insights into how materials, coatings and lubricants will fare in their real-world applications, including heavy industry, semiconductors, biomedical and automotive applications.
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