Get a free Micro-XRF E-Book!
Download a 64 page ebook about micro-XRF elemental analysis. The ebook explains how micro-XRF works, with a practical walk-through using the Bruker M4 TORNADO, along with lots of fascinating images and examples of what micro-XRF can do.
See element distribution within a meteorite, toxic elements in a digital watch, analysis of ink from handwritten notes on a Bach manuscript, gun shot residue, a slice of a cherry tree and element distribution in a Roman sword. The applications of micro-XRF are extremely varied – virtually any inorganic, organic, irregularly-shaped or even liquid sample can be analysed.
How to get your free E-Book
Enter your email address below, and we’ll send you a link to download the e-book. It should arrive in your inbox within a couple of minutes.
If you have any questions, contact us on 01223 422 269 or
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Micro-XRF E-Book Contents
- The scientific principles of micro-XRF analysis
- A walk-through of the analysis procedure using the Bruker M4 Tornado, with screenshots and photos
- Distribution analysis with HyperMap, to create 4D data sets
- Example applications in a huge variety of fields, including:
- Quality control and failure analysis
- Materials science
- Electronics and micro-electronics
- Geosciences
- Archeometry and historic art conservation
- Forensics
- Biology and life science
- Pharmaceuticals
- Lots of example images, showing element mapping of single and multiple elements, mosaic images, intensity maps, linear element distribution line scans, phase analysis, diffraction peaks in spectra, toxic element mapping and much more.
Blue Scientific is the exclusive distributor of Bruker Micro-XRF in the UK and Ireland. If you have any questions, or for a quote or demonstration, please get in touch.
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