Thank you to everyone who came to our Art Conservation with Micro-XRF Workshop at the National Gallery. We hope you found it useful. If you couldn’t make it, you can watch some of the talks in our videos below.
Details of upcoming conferences and workshops are available on our Events page, and remember to follow Blue Scientific on Linked In for updates.
Blue Scientific is the official distributor of Bruker Micro-XRF in the UK, Ireland and Nordic region. For more information or quotes, please get in touch:
[icon icon=”info”] Micro-XRF instruments
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Micro-XRF Instruments
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- Large area micro-XRF, ideal for galleries and museums.
- Scan vertically or horizontally.
- Practical, mobile rig
From the Lab to the Museum:
Macro-XRF Scanning in Action
Excerpts from a talk by Dr Paola Ricciardi of The Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, with case studies of how they use macro-XRF to analyse pigments in manuscripts and paintings. Analysing elements in pigments provides valuable information about the types of paints used, for dating fragments and identifying alterations.
Seeing the World with Other Eyes:
Excerpts from a presentation by Dr Roald Tagle of Bruker Nano Berlin, about using micro-XRF instruments to identify elements in paintings and the information you can gain from elemental analysis. How to adjust micro-XRF parameters to get the different results, with examples including the Altenberg Shrine and 3D objects.
Further Information
For more information or quotes, please get in touch:
[icon icon=”info”] Bruker M6 JETSTREAM
[icon icon=”next”] Contact us on 01223 422 269 or