Join Bruker for a webinar on Thursday 9th November 2017 about micro-XRF data processing tools, and how they can be used in art conservation to analyse elements in pigments, to unlock information about works of art and historic artefacts.
Blue Scientific is the official distributor for Bruker Micro-XRF in the UK and Nordic region (Norway, Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Iceland). For more information and quotes, please get in touch.
[icon icon=”info”] Bruker M6 JETSTREAM
[icon icon=”info”] More about Art Conservation with Micro-XRF
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Analysing Paintings and Art with Micro-XRF
In recent years, spatially resolved X-ray fluorescence analysis has become an established analytical technique in the field of art and conservation. Micro-XRF is used by researchers for fast compositional visualisation of works of art. It is also often known as macro-XRF (MAXRF), because it can be used to measure large samples.
Improved technology has led to increased use of micro-XRF in art conservation, with advances in signal processing electronics, polycapillary optics and detector technology. However, the greatest improvements have been in the development of data processing tools, for extracting and evaluating information.
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The M6 JETSTREAM is a large area micro-XRF, ideal for analysing paintings and works of art.
- High spatial resolution
- State-of-the-art micro-XRF technology
- Powerful analytical tools for qualitative data evaluation
[mini-icon icon=”arrow-right”] More about the M6 JETSTREAM
Webinar Programme
The webinar will focus on useful tools in Bruker’s software for data evaluation:
- Element identification
- Intensity determination
- Phase analysis
- Element intensity display optimisation
At the end of the webinar there will be a 15 minute Q&A session, giving you the opportunity to discuss your questions with the speakers.
Who Should Attend?
- Those interested in micro-XRF in art, conservation and archeology
- Users of Bruker M4 TORNADO and M6 JETSTREAM software interested in advanced data evaluation options
- Dr. Roald Tagle, Senior Application Scientist Micro-XRF, Bruker Nano Analytics
- Dr. Max Buegler, Application Scientist Micro-XRF, Bruker Nano Analytics
- Falk Reinhardt, Application Scientist Micro-XRF, Bruker Nano Analytics
The webinar is free and all are welcome to attend. There are two sessions, both with the same content:
Thursday 9th November 2017
- Session I: 9 am GMT, 10 am CET, 5 pm CST, 6 pm JST
[mini-icon icon=”arrow-right”] Register for Session I - Session II: 8 am PST, 11 am EST, 4 pm GMT, 5 pm CET
[mini-icon icon=”arrow-right”] Register for Session II
Can’t attend the live webinar? Register here and Bruker will send you a link to watch a recorded version.
More about Analysing Paintings with Micro-XRF
Last year we held an Art Conservation Workshop at the National Gallery in London. Watch videos of the talks online – and if you have any questions about micro-XRF please get in touch.