Blue Scientific is now official distributor for CAMECA in the UK, Ireland and Finland. CAMECA create scientific instruments for elemental and isotopic microanalysis, including APT, SIMS, LEXES and EPMA.
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CAMECA is a world leader in elemental and isotopic microanalysis. We’re proud to add their instruments to our portfolio:
- APT (Atom Probe Tomography)
- Dynamic SIMS and NanoSIMS (Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry)
- LEXES (Low energy Electron-induced X-ray Emission Spectrometry)
- EPMA (Electron Probe Micro Analysis)
Full details of their range will be available on our website soon. For now, here’s an introduction to their technologies and how they can be used.
Application Fields
CAMECA’s instruments can be used in a diverse range of fields:
- Materials science
- Geoscience
- Semiconductors and electronics
- Nuclear
- Nanotechnology
- Environmental science
- Life science and microbiology
Atom Probe Tomography (APT)
APT is the only materials analysis technique for 3D imaging and chemical composition at near atomic resolution. The technique has contributed to major advances in materials science.
The Time of Flight of ions is measured, along with the position, to reconstruct a 3d image of the material at the nanoscale.
- Ionise individual atoms and identify up to 80% of them in a 3D volume
- Reconstruct a 3D image at atomic scale
- Around 0.1-0.3nm depth resolution and 0.3-0.5nm lateral resolution
[mini-icon icon=”arrow-right”] Take a a look at the range…
SIMS (Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry) is the most sensitive elemental and isotopic surface microanalysis technique.
It’s sensitive to all elements from Hydrogen to Uranium and above, with detection limits down to ppb level for many elements. SIMS can be used on any solid material that can be kept under vacuum, including insulators, semiconductors and metals.
- High lateral resolution imaging down to 40 nm
- Low background for high dynamic range (>5 decades)
- Bulk composition and in-depth distribution of trace elements
- Depth resolution from sub-nm to tens of nm
Dynamic SIMS
Standard, static SIMS analyses the first top monolayer for molecular characterisation. Dynamic SIMS mode can measure bulk composition and in-depth distribution of trace elements with a depth resolution from sub-nm to tens of nm.
One of the main applications of dynamic SIMS is in-depth distribution analysis of trace elements eg dopants or contaminants in semiconductors. Dynamic SIMS is also often used for high resolution imaging analysis and precise isotope ratio measurements.
All CAMECA SIMS instruments have dynamic SIMS capabilities.
[mini-icon icon=”arrow-right”]More about dynamic SIMS
LEXES (Low energy Electron induced X-ray Emission Spectrometry) is a unique technique for selective elemental analysis at the near-surface. One of its main applications is semiconductor metrology.
- Composition and thickness determination in multi-layer thin films
- Non-contact and non-destructive
- Analyse a depth of 1 to700 nanometres
- In-line compositional metrology for semiconductors
EPMA (Electron Probe Micro Analysis) gives you elemental analysis of micron-sized volumes at the surface of materials, with ppm-level sensitivity.
- Qualitative and quantitative elemental microanalysis
- X-ray mapping of element distribution with concentration measurement
- Microanalysis of all elements from B to U and above
CAMECA’s EPMA systems include built-in microscopy tools for simultaneous X-ray (WDS and EDS), SEM and BSE imaging, plus sophisticated visible light optics, for sample inspection with magnification from 40 – 400,000.
EPMA can be used in geochemistry, mineralogy, geochronology, physical metallurgy, nuclear metallurgy, materials science including glass, ceramics, superconductors, cement, micro-electronics, biochemistry and more.
More Information
Blue Scientific is the official distributor for CAMECA in the UK, Ireland and Finland. Full information about their instruments will be avalable on our website soon. For now, if you’d like more information please get in touch: