Bruker SKYSCAN 1278
Micro-CT (XRM)
High throughput desktop in vivo micro-CT.
The Bruker SKYSCAN 1278 is an XRM (X-Ray Microscopy) system for in vivo imaging of small animals and studying physiological responses to disease and regenerative medicine. It’s the world’s fastest low dose, high resolution micro-CT.

Low radiation dose
Reduces associated complications
80 x 80mm field of view in a single scan
Fast, sensitive flat panel detector
<8 seconds Full body scans
World’s fastest low does, high resolution micro-C
Breathing and heartbeat gating
The SKYSCAN 1278 is a high throughput, stand-alone, desktop in vivo micro-CT for scanning small laboratory animals (mice, rats, etc.).
The large image field of view (up to 80 mm wide and 200 mm long) allows full body mouse scanning with a single camera field of view. Variable X-Ray energy combined with a range of filters ensures optimal image quality for diverse research applications including pneumology, cardiology and body composition analysis. The system can perform scanning with continuous gantry rotation and in step-and-shoot mode with scanning cycles down to 7.2 sec.
Furthermore, the SKYSCAN 1278 in vivo micro-CT administers a low radiation dose to the animals allowing multiple scans in longitudinal preclinical studies without the risk of unwanted radiation – induced side effects. The fully integrated physiological monitoring package allows monitoring and controlling the animal’s wellbeing at all times through a video stream, ECG, temperature and breathing detection.
The SKYSCAN 1278 is complemented by 3D.SUITE. This extensive software suite covers GPU-accelerated reconstruction, 2D/ 3D morphological analysis, as well as surface and volume rendering visualization.
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