Micro-XRF & TXRF
Automated Mineralogy System for micro-XRF.
The Bruker M4 TORNADOAMICS is an automated mineral analyser for geology, mining and mineralogy.
16x19cm Measurement Area
Perfect for drill core or slabbed rocks – no polish or coating needed for analysis
>1340 Minerals in the database
Pre-loaded with a user-expandable mineral database
<20µm Spot size
Map major, minor and trace elements and minerals at the resolution needed for most geologic problems
Faster and easier
Compared to alternative methods
M4 TORNADOAMICS is an innovative new approach to automated mineralogy using X-ray excitation to collect energy spectra for mineral matching. This package matches the ultra-fast high resolution elemental distribution analysis of the M4 TORNADO and the automation and phase classification technology of the AMICS software.
M4 TORNADOAMICS has a large sample chamber that operates at low atmospheric pressure requiring only a flat surface with no special coating or polishing. Perfect for slabbed core, hand sample slabs, and thin section billets, or even unpolished grain mounts.
Quickly automate repeated measurements with a wide range of sample holders and customized measurement areas.
Analyze entire samples to identify mineralogy or phases, characterize textures and associations, apply statistical calculations and report results as maps, charts, and graphs.
The innovative Spectrum Tree empowers users to classify unknown phases including complex solid solutions, boundary and mixed phases.
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