Micro-XRF & TXRF
Large Area micro-XRF Scanner in High Definition
The Bruker M6 JETSTREAM is a micro-XRF analyser for element distribution analysis of large samples.
2x60mm² SDD size
Dual silicon drift detector option for fastest acquisition
80x60cm² Scannable surface
Mapping larger samples in one run
100-500µm Adjustable spot size
The spot size can be adjusted in five steps to match the structure of the sample
Mobile rig
Move around galleries and museums
Micro-XRF on large samples has become a decisive method for the analysis of paintings, geological samples, archeological artifacts and industrial components. The M6 JETSTREAM drives these analyses to the highest speed and accuracy. With its mobile wheelbase and adjustable frame, the M6 JETSTREAM can be used on-site instead of transporting the sample to the lab.
- Measurement of upright samples or horizontal surfaces
- Scannable area up to 800 x 600 mm²
- “On the fly” analysis for highest mapping speed
- Adjustable spot size to match the structure of the sample
- XFlash® SDD technology with up to 2 x 60 mm² detector area
- Optional aperture management system (AMS) to gain depth of focus on uneven surfaces
What Can You Expect from the M6 JETSTREAM?
- Get spatially resolved information about the elemental distribution of almost any surface
- Record data over large areas in one run
- Combine high-resolution optical images with a full spectrum per pixel in one HyperMap dataset
- Process data and extract object spectra , line scans and chemical phases from maps
- Quantify spectra using standardless Fundamental Parameter (FP) methods
- Reduce cost and time by avoiding logistics and ensuring security of valuable objects
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