Bruker CellHesion Module
Nano Surfaces
Accessory for NanoWizard AFMs.
The Bruker JPK CellHesion Module is an add-on for NanoWizard AFMs, for measuring cell adhesion and cell mechanics.
the capabilities of NanoWizard AFMs
cell adhesion together with nanoscale imaging
Accurate, reproducable measurements
with advanced imaging techniques
As an add-on to the NanoWizard, the CellHesion module combines the capabilities of the BioAFM with precise adhesion force measurements and all optical microscopy features simultaneously.
- 100 µm additional z-travel
- Perfect hardware linearization as a result of capacitive sensors
- Simultaneous focus tracking option
- Integrates with advanced optical imaging (DIC, Confocal microscopy, FRET…
CellHesion Module Gallery
CellHesion Module Photos
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