Bruker TS 77 Select
Nano Surfaces
Essential toolkit for quantitative nanoscale to microscale mechanical / tribological characterisation.
The Bruker Hysitron TS 77 Select is a benchtop nanoindenter that provides the highest level of performance, functionality, and accessibility of any instrument in its class.

performance entry-level nanoindenter
Mechanical & tribological
characterisation over nanometer-to-micrometer length scales
Essential toolkit
of testing modes
Automated routines
for mistake-free characterisation
The Hysitron TS 77 Select automated benchtop nanomechanical and nanotribological test system provides the highest level of performance, functionality, and accessibility of any instrument in its class. Built around Bruker’s renowned TriboScope capacitive transducer technology, this new test system delivers reliable mechanical and tribological characterization over nanometer-to-micrometer length scales. Supporting the most prominent testing modes, the TS Select is an affordable entry into quantitative nanoindentation, dynamic nanoindentation, nanoscratch, nanowear, and high-resolution mechanical property mapping.
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