Bruker D8 DISCOVER Plus
X-Ray Diffraction & Scattering
The most versatile and flexible XRD Solution
The Bruker D8 DISCOVER Plus perfectly matches the requirements of research, development and quality control in industry and academia.

< 0.007° 2Ɵ Accuracy in peak positions
The D8 DISCOVER Plus comes with a unique alignment guarantee over the entire angular range based on the NIST standard reference material SRM 1976.
160° 2Ɵ In-Plane Diffraction at its Best
Bruker’s Non-Coplanar Arm allows for In-plane Diffraction measurements with unrivalled angular range and accuracy.
6 kW/mm² Highest Brightness X-ray source in XRD
The TXS-HE delivers an X-ray focus with 6kW / mm² making it the ultimate choice for both – line and spot – focus applications.
Unmatched capabilities
Flagship of the XRD range. Unrivalled accuracy and reliability.
The D8 DISCOVER Plus is the most powerful and versatile X-ray diffractometer on the market.
Core is the high-accuracy ATLAS goniometer that hosts the high-efficiency Turbo X-ray source (TXS-HE) and the market-leading Non-Coplanar Arm.
It is designed for the structural characterization of the full range of materials from powders, amorphous and polycrystalline materials to epitaxial multi-layered thin films at ambient and non-ambient conditions.
- Phase Identification and quantification, structure determination and refinement, Micro strain and crystallite size analysis,
- X-Ray reflectometry, Grazing Incidence Diffraction (GID), In-Plane Diffraction, High-resolution XRD, GISAXS, GI-Stress analysis, crystal orientation analysis
- Residual Stress analysis, Texture and pole figures, micro X-ray Diffraction, Wide Angle X-ray Scattering (WAXS),
- Total scattering analysis: Bragg Diffraction, Pair-Distribution Function (PDF), Small Angle X-Ray Scattering (SAXS)
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