APT (Atom Probe Tomography)
The Atom Probe that enables routine, high performance 3D nano-analysis.
The EIKOS-UV™ is the Atom Probe microscope for rapid alloy development and nanoscale materials research.
30 Years of Success
in Atom Probe Tomography instrumentation
Equal Sensitivity
To all elements and their isotopes
3D Tomography
With nanoscale characterization of microstructures
Fully Shielded
Designed for radioactive materials
Building on 30 years of success in Atom Probe Tomography instrumentation and application, CAMECA has developed EIKOS-UV™, the Atom Probe microscope for rapid alloy development and nanoscale materials research.
The EIKOS Atom Probe offers:
- Three-dimensional tomography with nanoscale characterization of microstructures
- High spatial resolution single atom detection with high efficiency
- Equal sensitivity to all elements and their isotopes
- Quantitative composition measurement (sub-nm to near micron scale)
- Available in voltage or voltage & laser configurations
- Standard specimen preparation methods
The fully configured EIKOS-UV system combines all the outstanding features of the base EIKOS (voltage pulsed, reflectron based functionality, prealigned counter electrode) and adds a fully integrated 355 nm laser pulsing module with computer controlled focused spot design to provide access to a larger application range. The base EIKOS system is field upgradable to the EIKOS-UV.
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