Cameca IMS Wf & SC Ultra
SIMS and nanoSIMS
SIMS for Advanced Semiconductor Applications.
The IMS Wf and SC Ultra have been specifically designed to meet the increasing needs for dynamic SIMS measurements in advanced semiconductors.
High Throughput
Even for the most challenging applications
High Energy (keV range)
For thick structures
Ultra-Low Energy (≤ 150eV)
For ultra-thin structures
Computer Automation
Ensuring full control of all analytical paramaters
The IMS Wf and SC Ultra have been specifically designed to meet the increasing needs for dynamic SIMS measurements in advanced semiconductors. Offering a large range of impact energies (100 eV to 10 keV) with no compromise on mass resolution and primary beam density, they ensure unequalled analytical performance at high throughput for the most challenging applications: extra shallow & high energy implants, ultra-thin nitride oxides, high-k metal gates, SiGe doped layers, Si:C:P structures, PV & LED devices, graphene, etc…
From standard to ultra-shallow depth profiling:
A first requisite to the analysis of advanced semiconductors is the optimization of SIMS analytical conditions for ultra-shallow depth profiling without giving up standard depth profiling applications. CAMECA has therefore developed a unique SIMS instrument design capable of sputtering samples with a large range of impact energies: from high energy (keV range) for thick structures to Ultra-Low Energy (≤ 150eV) for ultra-thin structures. This flexibility in the impact energy choice is available for different well-controlled sputtering conditions (species, incidence angle, etc…).
The CAMECA IMS Wf and SC Ultra are the only SIMS instrument offering such EXtreme Low Impact Energy (EXLIE) capabilities with no compromise on high mass resolution and high transmission.
High automation level:
As SIMS technique matures, users want to reduce the expertise required to achieve high reproducibility and high precision measurements. The trend is clearly toward unattended, automated analysis. The CAMECA IMS Wf and SC Ultra face this challenge with computer automation ensuring full control of all analytical paramaters (analysis recipe, instrument set-up, etc…).
The airlock system, sample stage and analysis chamber have been optimized to accommodate wafers up to 300 mm (IMS Wf model), and to load a high number of samples in one batch – up to 100 in the IMS Wf model which also offers fully motorized transfer between the airlock and the analysis chamber.
Thanks to their high level of automation, the IMS Wf and SC Ultra perform fast deep depth profiling with optimized sample throughput and excellent measurement stability, ensuring unprecedented SIMS tool productivity.
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IMS Wf & SC Ultra Photos
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