Compact Nanomechanical Research Platform
Hysitron’s TI Premier series is optimised for excellent value at a compact size. Four configurations are available for different applications (details below). Each has the tools for quantitative nano- to micro-mechanical characterisation, of traditional materials to state-of-the-art thin films and beyond.
- Patented capacitive transducer for reliable, nanoscale mechanical and tribological property measurement
- In situ SPM imaging as standard
- Anti-vibration enclosure for environmental stability
- Unprecedented accuracy with increased force sensitivity and <75 nN noise floor
- Automated test routines
- Nano- to micro-scale connectivity
- TI Premier: Multi-purpose configuration for characterising thin films and coatings.
- TI Premier Dynamic: Quasi-static and dynamic mechanical property evaluation, for enhanced repeatability and accuracy across a wide range of materials, from ultra-soft to ultra-hard.
- TI Premier DxSol: Nanoscale studies at elevated temperatures, recreating a material’s working condition. Dynamic algorithms deliver high reliability and repeatability, even over extended periods of time.
- TI Premier MultiScale: Flexible and versatile configuration for quasi-static and dynamic mechanical property evaluation from nano- to micro-scale
[pricing-table col=”5″]
[plan name=”TI Premier” link=”” linkname=”Brochure” price=”Standard” per=”Multi-purpose” featured=”Multipurpose”]
- Thin films
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- Metals
- Ceramics
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[plan name=”TI Premier” link=”” linkname=”Brochure” price=”Dynamic” per=”Broad range of materials” color=”#0074C8″]
- Thin films
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- Polymers
- Metals
- Ceramics
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- Ultra-soft materials
[plan name=”TI Premier” link=”” linkname=”Brochure” price=”DxSol” per=”Elevated temperatures” color=”#d96a3e” ]
- Thin films
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- Polymers
- Metals
- Ceramics
- High temperature alloys
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[plan name=”TI Premier” link=”” linkname=”Brochure” price=”MultiScale” per=”Nano- to micro-scale” color=”#68ca78″]
- Thin films
- Hard coatings
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- Metals
- Ceramics
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Upgrade Options
- nanoDMA® III: Nanoscale Dynamic Mechanical Analysis
- xSol High Temperature Stage
- XPM: Ultra-fast nanomechanical property mapping
- Modulus Mapping™: Quantitative, high solution surface modulus characterisation
- nanoECR®: In situ Electrical Contact Resistance
- TriboAE™: In situ Acoustic Emission Monitoring