Combined XRD and SAXS with the brightest X-ray beam available
Dual port METALJET is a configuration of Bruker’s powerful X-ray source, with both XRD and SAXS. Optimise your protein X-ray diffraction (PX) and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments with METALJET, the brightest X-ray source available for home labs.
- X-ray diffraction(XRD): D8 VENTURE with METALJET and PHOTON II detector is an in-house system for X-ray crystallography capable of synchrotron quality data.
- Biological SAXS: Compact, high-performance NANOSTAR system – quantitatively combine your SAXS data with structural information from other techniques including crystallography, NMR and molecular dynamics.
Upgrade Flexibility
The dual-port configuration can be implemented with a single end station. This gives you the flexibility to upgrade easily if your needs change and you require a second port in future.
Contact us for more information and quotes:
+44 (0)1223 422 269 or info@blue-scientific.com
- METALJET X-ray source and HELIOS MX multilayer focusing optics
- Patented low-figure-error optics optimised for the brilliance of the METALJET
- Fast KAPPA goniometer with small sphere of confuion
- PHOTON II, large, air-cooled photon-sensitive detector
- High quality, performance and reliability
- Compact unit
- Comprehensive software for macromolecular crystallography and protein diffraction
- Dual-port configuration seamlessly integrates with NANOSTAR for biological SAXS
- METALJET X-ray source and HELIOS P optics for unmatched brightness and highest quality beam possible in the home laboratory
- Scatterless pinholes for high flux and low parasitic scattering (SCATEX)
- Largest photon-counting detector for the best signal-to-noise ratio (VÅNTEC-2000)
- Powerful, easy-to-use software for macromolecular SAXS (SCÅTTER)
- Best angular resolution for low Qmin
- Compact system
- Dual-port configuration with seamlessly integrates with D8 VENTURE for crystallography