Micro-CT Scanning Workshop
Friday 4th September, 9:30am – 12:00 BST
We’ll be running a virtual micro-CT workshop with Bruker at ToScA 2020 on the morning of Friday 4th September, with a live demonstration on the SkyScan 1275 streamed from Bruker’s applications lab in Kontich, Belgium. The workshop will be relevant to both materials and life science applications.
There’ll be a full walk-through of two projects involving scanning, image reconstruction, visualisation and analysis, to show how fast and straightforward micro-CT scanning can be. One project, presented by Stephan Le Roux, will look at the architecture of a scaffold (foam) type sample, and the other by Phil Salmon will assess bone around a metal orthopedic implant. The session will be live, giving you the opportunity to ask questions.
The workshop will be presented on Friday 4th September 2020 at 9:30am – 12:00pm BST.
Register Now
Registration for the workshop has now closed. If you’d like to know more about micro-CT please get in touch.