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In-Situ Explorer


In-Situ Explorer

In-Situ Control and Data Handling Software

In-Situ Explorer is a software package from Gatan in partnership with DENSsolutions. It combines component control and data correlation from in-situ stimuli, along with high-resolution spatial and temporal imaging. The single software interface correlates images from Gatan IS cameras (K2 IS, OneView IS, and Rio IS) with in-situ thermal data from the sample holders  responsible for the observed specimen changes (DENSsolutions Wildfire, Lightning and Climate systems).

  • Single software interface: Acquire, store and analyse Gatan imaging and DENSsolutions holder data. Saves time and eliminates errors from manual data correlation.
  • Sample temperature information: Record the actual temperature, set point and heater power for every image.
  • Data based on time, temperature and region of interest: Use the temperature history to explore and extract exactly the data you need.

Contact us for more information and quotes:
+44 (0)1223 422 269 or info@blue-scientific.com

Gatan In-Situ Explorer Software



  • Electronics
  • Materials science
  • In-situ TEM, EFTEM and SEM
  • Dynamic specimen behaviour


  • Single software interface for the IS camera and sample holder
  • Automatically correlated data and images
  • Sample temperature history for every image
  • Compatible with all Gatan imaging devices

MoSx Based Sample

The video below shows how the In-Situ Explorer plug-in for GMS 3 simultaneously acquires images using the OneView camera while controlling in-situ temperature conditions using the DENSsolutions Wildfire S3 system. Courtesy of M. Zhukovskyi, Notre Dame.


Data Displays

Live updates of the in-situ device setting are displayed with each image frame. Both the image and in-situ data are recorded in industry standard HD video formats (uncompressed .avi, .mp4 or .wmv).

Record in either continuous HD video (time series) or time-lapse mode, depending on the in-situ process you are studying. The video can be a single window, group of windows or a fixed area. Text fields that can be displayed automatically and recorded include data relating to:

  • Microscope state
  • Camera/DigiScan acquisition parameters
  • In-situ device setting


In-Situ Video Software supports heating and cooling TEM holders and SEM stages controlled by SmartSet™ and ITC (model 503) controllers. It also supports 3rd party in-situ devices through an open architecture.

The software is also fully compatible with DM scripting, so you can extend and customise your in-situ experiments as you need to.

In Situ TEM/SEM software

In-situ compression of a SiO2 glass nanoparticle. Acquired with the Orius 830 CCD camera. A 500 nm amorphous SiO2 glass particle is plastically deformed using a Hysitron Picoindenter (PI95). The loading rate of 15 nm/s was generated by driving the flat diamond punch seen in the lower left corner. This indentation experiment was coordinated and recorded using In-Situ Video software. Images courtesy of Prof. Zhiwei Shan, CAMP-Nano, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China.