Art Conservation

Demonstration of the Bruker M6 JETSTREAM

Art Conservation Workshop Videos

Watch videos of the talks from our workshop at the National Gallery.


Operation Nightwatch at the Rijksmuseum

An innovative exhibition and research project, where the public can watch researchers studying Rembrandt’s painting “The Night Watch” with scientific techniques including micro-XRF.

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Analysing Paintings with Macro-XRF

National Gallery in London

The National Gallery in London used micro-XRF to reveal a hidden sketch on a Leonardo da Vinci painting, which is the focus of their exhibition: “Leonardo: Experience a Masterpiece”.

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Micro-XRF element mapping of a painting
Micro-XRF non-destructive element mapping

Saint Vincent Panels Restoration Project

Saint Vincent Panels

Micro-XRF was used in a 3 year restoration project on the Saint Vincent Panels (~1450s). Element mapping provided information about the pigments used, and revealed previous restoration efforts. These images were taken using the Bruker Crono.

Saint Vincent Panels

Raman in Art Conservation

Multivariate analysis of Raman spectra of carbonaceous black drawing media was used for in-situ identification of historic art materials, in this study in the Journal of Raman Spectroscopy by the Department of Paper Conservation at the Getty Museum. Read the article…