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NEW Bruker Dimension IconIR
Bruker Nano

The Bruker Dimension IconIR is a large sample nanoscale infrared spectroscopy and chemical imaging system. It combines nanoscale IR and SPM in a single platform for the most advanced spectroscopy, imaging and property mapping. Its unrivaled performance is based on the established Bruker Dimension Icon AFM platform, for correlative microscopy and chemical imaging with enhanced resolution and monolayer sensitivity.


Highest performance

Nanoscale IR and chemical imaging.

Sub-10nm photothermal AFM-IR imaging

Highest resolution characterisation with monolayer sensitivity.

Correlative chemical and nanoscale property mapping

Quantitative nanochemical, nanomechanical and nanoelectrical data.

Samples up to 150mm as standard

Larger sizes available.


From one single system, the Bruker Dimension IconIR delivers the highest performance nanoscale infrared spectroscopy, chemical imaging resolution and monolayer sensitivity.

  • High performance nanoIR spectroscopy:
    • Accurate, repeatable FT-IR correlation.
    • <10 nm chemical resolution.
    • Monolayer sensitivity.
  • Correlative chemical imaging:
  • Highest performance AFM imaging
  • Flexible for large samples up to 150mm as standard (larger versions available).
  • Wide range of accessories and AFM modes.

Complete Correlative Microscopy

With Bruker’s exclusive PeakForce Tapping nanoscale property mapping and proprietary nanoIR spectroscopy technology, the Dimension IconIR is ideal for correlative studies on materials and active nanoscale systems in electrical or chemically reactive environments, including complex systems with strong mechanical heterogeneity.

It offers complete, quantitative characterisation:

  • Advanced property mapping.
  • Nanochemical
  • Nanomechanical
  • Nanoelectrical

NanoIR Spectroscopy

Bruker offers a patented suite of unique nanoIR modes, providing rich, detailed spectra that correlate with FT-IR, achieving single molecular spectroscopy. Modes are available for a wide range of samples in both industry and academic research.

Resonance-enhanced AFM-IR is the preferred technique among the nanoIR community, with the most scientific publications so far. With PeakForce Tapping for the highest resolution, you can achieve AFM-IR spectroscopy equivalent to resonance-enhanced AFM-IR.

High Resolution Chemical Imaging

Bruker’s patented tapping AFM-IR imaging, together with the industry-leading AFM performance of the Bruker Dimension Icon, enhance the spatial resolution of nanoIR to cover new applications and samples.

  • <10 nm chemical spatial resolution:
    • Image a wide range of sample types.
    • Suitable for soft materials.
  • Monolayer sensitivity:
    • For thin films and biological structures.
  • Consistent, reliable, publishable data.
  • Surface sensitive chemical measurements for polymeric films.



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