ToScA 2020 is the Tomography for Scientific Advancement Symposium. Due to the current situation with COVID-19, it will now be an online conference on the afternoon of Thursday 3rd September 2020. It’s free to attend, with a donation to COVID-19 charities, and all proceeds from the event including sponsorship funds, will be donated to COVID-19 charities Humanity First and Momentum.
We’ll be holding a live micro-CT scanning demonstration with Bruker as a virtual workshop.
ToScA 2020 was originally due to take place on 2-4 September 2020 at Queen Mary University, London.
Blue Scientific is the official distributor for Bruker Micro-CT scanners in the UK and Nordic region. For more information or quotes, please get in touch.
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Follow @blue_scientificToScA 2020
ToScA provides an opportunity for sharing discussions about tomography, networking with researchers and commercial industry representatives, and a platform to encourage collaborations.
Virtual Conference
The online conference will take place on the afternoon of Thursday 3rd September:
- Invited international speakers
- Lightning talks
- Sponsor showcase
- Virtual coffee break
Check back for updates – details will be posted here once available. Follow Blue Scientific on Linked In or Twitter for updates about upcoming webinars and events.
ToScA is a tomography conference about all X-ray CT topics, including:
- Correlative Tomography and Complimentary Techniques
- Materials Science
- Culture Heritage
- Life Sciences
- Manufacturing and Industry
- Outreach and Public Engagement
- New X-ray Technologies and Future Advances
- Data
- Quantification
Session 1
- Multiscale and multimodal assessment of bone damage
Professor Hanna Isaksson, Lund University, Sweden - High-resolution X-ray Computed Tomography for non-destructive characterisation of electrospun fibers
Dr Juliana Martins de Souza e Silva, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany - Microfossil characterisation for petroleum exploration using X-ray computed tomography: a new approach
Muofhe Tshibalanganda, Stellenbosch University, South Africa - Towards a virtual testing platform of filter efficiency and breathability of face masks
Professor Greet Kerckhofs, UCLouvain, Belgium - Sponsor talks from: Blue Scientific, Nikon, TESCAN and Volume Graphics
Session 2
- 4D X-ray Tomography and Correlative Microscopy of Graded Polymeric Foams in High Performance Footwear
Professor Nikhilesh Chawla, Purdue University, USA - Title TBC, Megan Dattoria, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, USA
- Introduction to 3D X-ray near edge absorption imaging using transmission X-ray microscope
Dr Mingyuan Ge, Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA - The Rise of the Parrotfish Beak: Corallivory Drives Rapid Rates of Jaw Shape Evolution in Wrasses
Dr Kory Evans, Brown University, USA - Lightning Talks and Image Competition
Micro-CT Workshop
We’ll be running a virtual micro-CT workshop at ToScA 2020, with a live demonstration on the SkyScan 1275 from Bruker’s applications lab in Belgium. There’ll be a full walk-through of the scanning process, followed by image reconstruction, visualisation and analysis. The demo will include scaffold and bone samples.
The workshop will be on Friday 4th September in the morning, 9:30am – 12:00pm BST.
The date of the workshop has now passed; for details of what’s coming up, please check our Events page.
Submit an Abstract
Submit an abstract for the opportunity to present a 90-second, single-slide lightning talk at the online conference. Topics can be related to any area of X-Ray CT.
The advantage of this year’s lightning talks is you can record the talk, so you can do as many takes as you need to, to get it just right! There are prizes for the best talk and a runner up. The deadline is Monday 24th August 2020. Details are on the event website.
There will be no poster presentations this year.
Image Competition
Submit your best tomography image to the Image Competition. There’s no limit on how many images you can submit, with a title and 50 word abstract for each.
The deadline is Monday 24th August 2020. Guidelines and details of how to enter are available on the ToScA 2020 website.
The date of this event has now passed. To see what’s coming up, take a look at our Events listing.
BlueScientific and ToScA 2020
Blue Scientific is sponsoring ToScA2020. All sponsorship funds and proceeds from the event are being donated to COVID-19 charities Humanity First and Momentum.
In the interests of safety, BlueScientific will not be attending any more physical events in 2020. If you’d like to know more about our range of micro-CT scanners, please get in touch by phone or email.
We offer the complete range of Bruker SkyScan microtomography scanners for both materials and life science:

More Information
Blue Scientific is the official distributor of Bruker SkyScan micro-CT (X-ray microscopy) scanners in the UK and Nordic area (Finland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Iceland). If you’d like any more information, please get in touch: