Gatan 3View Users Forum 2018

Register now for the Gatan 3View Users Forum 2018 on Tuesday 20th March 2018 in Ghent, Belgium.

Blue Scientific is the official distributor for Gatan in Norway, Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Iceland. If you have any questions or if you’d like a quote, please get in touch:

Register for the users forum

Gatan systems

 Contact us on 01223 422 269 or


3View Users Forum

The users forum provides an opportunity to connect with the SBEM community and share knowledge, experience and advice to help advance your research. The event will discuss the latest methods, techniques and development in serial block-face scanning electron microscopy (SBEM, SBSEM, SBFSEM):

  • Presentations from international SBEM thought leaders
  • Networking session to share best practices and emerging applications

This year the 3View User Forum will be hosted by the VIB Bioimaging Core. This event is a satellite meeting before the “From 3D Light to 3D Electron Microscopy” workshop.

Posters and Talks

There will be two symposia sessions. Participants are invited to present a poster or request a 15 minute talk. Spaces are very limited, so speakers will be selected by the chairs to appeal to a broad audience from varying scientific backgrounds. Talks focussing on practical issues of applying 3View technology are preferred. If you would like to apply, please indicate on the registration form.

There will also be a round table discussion with Gatan, giving you the opportunity to offer feedback directly to management and applications specialists.


This event is free to attend, but numbers are limited to 90 participants on a first come, first served basis. Lunch will be provided. The venue is Flanders Institute for Biotechnology (VIB) in Ghent.

Register online to reserve your place:

Register now


Register for the symposium

Gatan systems

 Contact us on 01223 422 269 or

Gatan 3View Example

Mouse kidney prepared with the National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research (NCMIR) 3View specimen preparation protocol embedded with Durcupan resin imaged with 7 nm pixels, and cut with 7 nm cuts creating 7 nm isotropic voxels.