New Nanoscale IR Spectroscopy Platform Combines AFM-IR and s-SNOM
A new instrument from Anasys Instruments is the only nanoscale IR spectroscopy and imaging platform with both robust nanoscale IR absorption spectroscopy via AFM-IR and sub-20nm complex optical property imaging via sSNOM (scattering scanning near field optical microscopy).
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UPDATE: This system has now been replaced with the Bruker Anasys nanoIR3-s
The nanoIR2-s is a new nanoscale spectroscopy and imaging platform from Anasys, a world leader in nanoscale IR spectroscopy. The nanoIR2-s brings two powerful analytical techniques together: AFM-IR and s-SNOM.
AFM-IR is a pioneering technique developed by Anasys, that measures nanoscale IR absorption using an AFM probe tip as a detector. AFM-IR technology is used routinely by industrial and academic researchers, to study advanced polymers and life science samples through direct IR absorption spectra. The spatial resolution is not constrained by the optical diffraction limits of conventional infrared and Raman microscopy. Applications include polymer interface chemistry, sub-cellular imaging, protein secondary structure of single fibrils and many more.
s-SNOM is a well-established technique in the AFM field, for sub-20nm optical imaging by studying scattered light from a region of the sample under the AFM probe. s-SNOM has recently been extended to the infrared range, for complex optical property imaging of a wide variety of materials, especially inorganic samples, 2D materials, micro/nanoelectronic devices, nano-antennas and plasmonic structures.
Patented Features
With several unique, patented features, the nanoIR2-s features adaptive beam steering, dynamic power control and suppression of unwanted background for fast, repeatable results. Unique nano-thermal and nano-mechanical analysis capabilities, together with a robust AFM, make the nanoIR2-s a truly multi-functional material property measurement platform.