A review of micro-XRF as a technique for characterising minerals in tissues has been published in a scientific paper by researchers at the University of Birmingham and the Royal Centre for Defence Medicine. The paper is entitled, “Bedside, Benchtop, and Bioengineering: Physicochemical Imaging Techniques in Biomineralisation”, by Neil M. Eisenstein1,2, Sophie C. Cox1, Richard L. Williams1, Sarah A. Stapley2 and Liam […]
Join us for a one hour webinar hosted by Bruker on Wednesday 24th February 2016, featuring special guest Dr. Richard L. Williams of the University of Birmingham.
RSC Biomaterials Chemistry Meeting Birmingham, 7-8 January 2016 Come and visit us at the RSC Biomaterials Chemistry Meeting at the School of Chemical Engineering, at the University of Birmingham on 7-8 January 2016. The meeting is for scientists in UK universities and industry working on the synthesis and characterisation of biomaterials. There will also be a dinner […]