RSC Biomaterials Chemistry Meeting
Birmingham, 7-8 January 2016
Come and visit us at the RSC Biomaterials Chemistry Meeting at the School of Chemical Engineering, at the University of Birmingham on 7-8 January 2016.
The meeting is for scientists in UK universities and industry working on the synthesis and characterisation of biomaterials. There will also be a dinner and social event in Birmingham city centre.
[icon icon=”next”] Book now to see a live micro-XRF demo at the meeting – details here…
RSC Biomaterials Chemistry Special Interest Group
The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Biomaterials Chemistry Special Interest Group is a community for those working in biomaterial synthesis and characterisation, both academic and industrial. The aim of the group is to enhance the understanding of the chemistry underlying biomaterials applications such as prostheses, drug delivery and regenerative medicine.
The group meets annually to promote biomaterials chemistry research and development, enhance existing links, form new collaborations and share expertise. Meetings provide the opportunity to present new work, discuss data and help shape the future of research biomaterials chemistry.
Plenary Speakers
- Jüergen Groll, University of Wuerzberg
- Jake Barralet, McGill University
Invited Speakers
- Melinda Duer, University of Cambridge
- Pawel Sikorski, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
- Pamela Habibović, Maastricht University
Oral and poster contributions are welcome.
Visit Blue Scientific
Come to our stand to find out about element analysis and mapping with micro-XRF and how they can unlock a wealth of information for biomaterials chemistry. Discuss your application with our specialists and find out more.
As presented at our recent micro-XRF workshop, the Tissue Regeneration And Interface Lab (TRAIL) at the University of Birmingham, where the meeting is being held, are using micro-XRF for biomedical and regenerative medicine research. In particular, in the area of bone and bone regeneration, they are using micro-XRF to generate high resolution maps of pathological bone in muscle tissue and scarring in tissue sections.
Blue Scientific is the exclusive UK distributor of micro-XRF instuments from Bruker – view the full range here.
Micro-XRF Demos – Book Now!
We’ll be hosting live micro-XRF demos at the meeting. See the Bruker M4 TORNADO in action and see the results for yourself! Booking is required to reserve your time slot – full details here…

Conference Registration
Register online to book your place at the RSC Biomaterials Chemistry Meeting. The deadline for registration is 21/12/15.
Conference Fees
RSC/SCI Members £170
Non-members £240
PDRAs £125
PhD students £100
Group rates are available on application.
Share Your Work
Present your research at the meeting as a talk or a poster. Submissions are open until 21/11/15.
Your abstract should contain a title, a list of authors and affiliations and up to 500 words (excluding references) describing the work. You may include one figure in your submission. Submit your abstract in PDF format to, indicating in the email whether you would like to make an oral presentation or a poster.