FEG-SEM (Field Emission Gun – Scanning Electron Microscope) provides the very highest resolution imaging compared to regular SEM. It’s now available in an easy-to-use, desktop instrument: the Phenom Pharos G2.
Cathodoluminescence can be used to study crystal structure orientation – in this example we look at how it can be used on a geological sample.
Integrating SEM and EDS in one system makes it much quicker and easier to identify the root cause of failures. It’s up to twice as fast as conventional techniques, for a lower cost-per-sample and long-term savings.
BlueScientific is now the official UK distributor of Phenom entry-level SEM instruments from Thermo Scientific in the UK and Ireland. We now offer the most comprehensive entry-level range for industry QC and academic research: the fastest and highest resolution in their class.
Combined SEM-EDS can be used to locate and identify contamination quickly and easily. The Thermo Scientific Axia ChemiSEM fully integrates the two techniques.
ColourSEM technology from Thermo Scientific combines SEM and EDS for easy-to-interpret elemental information, displayed live in colour on your SEM images. It’s fully integrated and always on, highlighting features on your sample that may otherwise be unnoticed. Blue Scientific is the official industrial distributor for the Thermo Scientific Axia ChemiSEM in the UK and Ireland. For […]