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Category Archive for ‘Elemental & Isotopic Microanalysis’

Integrating High-Precision Instruments into Environmental Research

Accurate data collection is fundamental to environmental research. BlueScientific distributes specialized instruments that enhance the accuracy and reliability of data for studies focused on environmental changes. Precision is critical in tracking subtle changes in climate or detecting low concentrations of pollutants, which can have significant ecological impacts. The equipment we distribute enables researchers to observe […]

SIMS for Geochronology

Geochronology with LG-SIMS at the Swedish Museum of Natural History

The Swedish Museum of Natural History used SIMS to determine that rock samples from India were formed around 1,850 million years ago. Previously it was thought that dating this type of sample wasn’t possible!

SiGE Semiconductor Characterisation

A New Method for Characterising Nanometre-Sized Semiconductor Structures

Self-focusing SIMS is a new technique for measuring the composition of semiconductors and SiGE devices. It’s ten times faster than studying nanometre-scale features directly with methods such as TEM or APT.

Lithium Battery Research with SIMS

Lithium Battery Research with SIMS at Tohoku University

How researchers at Tohoku University used SIMS (Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry) in lithium battery research, to measure the lithium diffusion coefficient.

SIMS & APT in Geology

APT and SIMS in Geology and Geoscience

How APT (Atom Probe Tomography) and SIMS can be used in the fields of geology and geoscience, with examples from geochronology, mining and meteorite research.

What is APT? (Atom Probe Tomography)

Atom Probe Tomography (APT) is the only materials analysis technique offering extensive capabilities for both 3D imaging and chemical composition measurement at the atomic scale.


SIMS Meteorite Research Reveals the Origin of Water on Earth

In new research about the origin of water on Earth, SIMS analysis has revealed that enstatite meteorites contain sufficient hydrogen for at least three times the mass of water in the oceans. The research at CRPG Nancy (Research Center Pétrographiques Et Géochimiques) in France used SIMS technology from CAMECA. Blue Scientific is the official distributor […]

Dynamic SIMS: Na in Glass

What is Dynamic SIMS?

An overview of SIMS (Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry) surface microanalysis, and how dynamic SIMS can be used for bulk composition and in-depth trace element distribution analysis.


Introducing our New Partners: CAMECA

Blue Scientific is now official distributor for CAMECA elemental and isotopic microanalysis instruments in the UK, Ireland and Finland.