Try out In-Situ SEM Nanoindentation – 28-29 May, Birmingham

Discover more about in-situ SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) nanomechanical testing with a personal in-situ SEM nanoindentation demonstration.

The demos will be held at the University of Birmingham on 28 and 29 May, after the MidSEM (Midlands SEM) meeting. Contact us to book your session now.

Hysitron PI 87 SEM PicoIndenterPersonal In-Situ SEM Nanoindentation Demonstrations

Pairing the high sensitivity of nanomechanical testing with the high spatial resolution of electron microscopy creates a powerful tool for directly observing the mechanical characterisation of nanostructures and nanomaterials.

Book a personal SEM nanoindentation demonstration and spend half a day with our specialists using the Hysitron Pi87 SEM PicoIndenter. See the instrument in action and get a feel for its capabilities. There’s no better way to find out what a system can do than trying it out yourself!

  • Gain hands-on experience of in-situ SEM
  • Bring your own samples – including metals, alloys, ceramics, composites, polymers and biomaterials.
  • See every step of testing process
  • Examine the data first-hand

Spend half a day with our specialists and the Pi87, and go back to your lab with all your questions answered!

All are welcome – no prior experience of nanoindentation is required. Booking is necessary to reserve your session.

Book Your Demo

To book your demonstration, or if you have any questions about in-situ SEM, contact us on 01223 422 269 or

Each demo lasts half a day and will take place at the University of Birmingham. Choose either the morning or afternoon of Thursday 28th or Friday 29th May (subject to availability). Sessions are available on a first come first served basis, so please book early to avoid disappointment.

In-situ SEM demonstration

Mechanical data and SEM video are synchronised and displayed side-by-side within the PicoIndenter software

MidSEM Meeting 2015, Birmingham

We’ll also be exhibiting at the MidSEM (Midland SEM) meeting on Wednesday 27th May. Further details about the conference will be available soon.

Rob Classen from Hysitron will present a talk about in-situ SEM entitled “Recent Innovations in in-situ SEM Nanomechanical Characterisation”. The presentation will provide an introductory overview of the technology and its applications.

Further details about MIDSEM 2015

About the Hysitron Pi87 PicoIndenter

  • Test a wide range of samples, with a high maximum load of >100 mN and displacements up to 150 µm.
  • Industry-leading noise floor, bridging the gap between nano- and micro-scale.
  • Increased normal force range for large and/or hard structures that require larger loads to induce failure, fracture or yield.
  • Test compliant samples eg polymers, organic materials.
  • Indentation probe options for a range of geometries, suitable for most high force/high displacement tests.
  • Compatible with most SEMs.


  • Quantitative measurement of nanomechanical properties including:
    – Hardness
    – Stiffness
    – Modulus
  • Fracture onset characterisation
  • Crack propagation
  • Delamination
  • Pile-up

 Book your demo on 01223 422 269 or

View our range of scientific instruments

In-situ SEM nanoindentation

Frames taken from an SEM video at various points during an indentation test on delaminated film. The succession of frames shows the compression of the blister and its eventual rupture.