A new nanoanalysis podcast from Bruker, with special guests from all areas of nanoscale analysis including micro-XRF, TXRF, nanomechanical testing, TEM/SEM and more.
The new Bruker Hysitron PI 89 SEM PicoIndenter is an in-situ nanomechanical testing system for electron microscopes, for analysing deformation of high-strength materials.
Join Bruker for a series of free online training sessions over the next few weeks, covering nanoscale surface analysis topic.
Register now for Bruker Hysitron’s nanomechanicel testing conference and user meeting on 4-6 February 2020 in Düsseldorf, Germany.
How to combine Raman and nanoindentation for correlated mechanical and chemical data, delivering insights into your material’s properties.
Join Bruker for a webinar on 18 October 2018 about in-situ nanomechanical testing in the TEM, including how to observe materials under stress at the nanoscale.
Nanomechanical testing with in situ SPM imaging, using the same probe to ensure test positioning accuracy and correlated results.
Using the Bruker UMT TriboLab in the automotive industry to test materials and simulate tests usually performed on a full-scale testing rig.
Traditional material characterisation techniques (eg tensile testing) are not always reliable at the nanoscale. True nanoscale sensitivity and the capacity for quantitative analysis are key to understanding the structure and properties of nanoscale components. The Hysitron TI 950 TriboIndenter equipped with the performech™ advanced control module delivers the force and displacement sensitivity necesary for testing materials and structures with nanoscale […]
The amount of sliding friction between two surfaces is affected by a number of factors, one of the most obvious being surface texture. But how exactly does the roughness or smoothness of a surface affect its sliding friction? And what about different situations, such as elastic deformation? Donald K. Cohen PhD has published an interesting article […]