Biological AFM Webinar: Virus Binding Sites
Join Bruker for a biological AFM webinar on Wednesday 8th March 2017 about high resolution imaging and nanomechanical mapping of virus binding sites to animal cells.
Blue Scientific is the official distributor of Bruker AFM in the Nordic region (Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Finland and Norway). If you have any questions please get in touch:
Watch a recording
Download the slides
AFM instruments
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High Resolution Imaging and Nanomechanical Mapping of Virus Binding Sites to Animal Cells
High-force sensitivity and high spatial resolution are important when quantifying and mapping the molecular interactions of biological samples.
Force-distance (FD) curve-based atomic force microscopy is a useful technique for simultaneously contouring the surface and mapping the biophysical properties of biological samples at the nanoscale.
The webinar will cover:
- How advanced FD-based technology and chemically functionalised tips can be used to study the localisation and interactions of chemical and biological sites on single native proteins and living cells at high resolution.
- Using atomic force and confocal microscopy to image the surface receptor landscape of cells.
- How to map virus binding events within the first millisecond of contact with the cell, at high resolution (<50 nm).
- Theoretical approaches to contouring the free-energy landscape of early binding events, between an engineered virus and cell surface receptors.
Capabilities of FD-Based AFM
The key capabilities of this biochemically sensitive imaging technique are a powerful complement to other AFM modes for quantitative, high resolution bio-imaging.
- Quantitative mapping
- Resolution of a few nanometers
- True correlation with topography
- Prof. Dr. David Alsteens – Head of NanoBioPhysics group at Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
- Dr. Andra Dumitru – Postdoctoral Fellow, David Alsteens’ group at Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
The date of the live webinar has now passed. You can watch a recording and download the slides. If you have any questions, please get in touch.
BioScope Resolve
The Bruker BioScope Resolve is an AFM for biological applications, with unmatched features:
- Highest resolution imaging
- Most complete biomechanics capabilities
- Fastest scanning of any bioAFM available
It’s designed for integration with inverted optical light and confocal microscopes. Study a whole range of biological samples, from cells and tissues to molecular and protein structures. You can even combine AFM biomechanics data with real-time confocal and fluorescence microscopy.
Blue Scientific is the official distributor of Bruker AFM in Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Finland and Norway. If you have any questions please get in touch: