New PeakForce SECM AFM Mode – Bruker AFM

New PeakForce SECM Mode

Acquire Previously Unobtainable Electrochemical Data

PeakForce SECM (Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy) is a new mode for Bruker AFM (Atomic Force Microscopes). Capture electrochemical data correlated with nanomechanical information, for insights into the relationship between the size, geometry, modulus, adhesion and activity of nanostructured materials.

The new mode is available now on Bruker Dimension Icon AFMs.

Blue Scientific is the exclusive distributor of Bruker AFM in the Nordic region (Norway, Denmark, Finland and Sweden). If you would like more information about PeakForce SECM or any of their AFM microscopes, please get in touch:

 Contact us on +44 (0)1223 422 269 or

 PeakForce SECM Brochure

Bruker Dimension Icon AFM


How it Works

PeakForce SECM features a unique probe design for unmatched precision and control of tip-sample interaction and nano-electrode tip position. Simultaneously capture topographical, electrochemical, electrical and mechanical maps at nanoscale resolution. This reveals a whole range of previously unobtainable information, visualising electrical and chemical processes in liquid. For example, you can observe redox reactions and their kinetics at the nanoscale for the first time.

PeakForce SECM Example

(A) 3D topography of a nanomesh electrode (Au-SiO2 ) covered by EC current skin;
(B) Line profiles of the topographic and EC variations on the Au-SiO2 surface in (A); 
(C) Line profiles of the topographic and EC variations from a nanoelectrode array sample.
Nanomesh electrode sample courtesy of C. Stelling and M. Retsch, University of Bayreuth. Image courtesy of A. Mark and S. Gödrich, University of Bayreuth. Nanoelectrode array sample courtesy of M. Nellist and Prof. S. Boettcher, University of Oregon.

Our customers have been consistently imaging at very high resolution with the new nanoelectrodes on the Dimension Icon AFM. For the first time they are able to capture electrochemistry correlated with nanomechanical information to understand the complex relationship between size, geometry, modulus, adhesion and activity of nanostructured materials.
Teddy Huang PhD, Senior Applications Scientist at Bruker Nano Surfaces
PeakForce SECM radically redefines what is possible in the nanoscale visualisation of electrical and chemical processes in liquid. This breakthrough is the result of the continuing evolution of PeakForce Tapping technology combined with our in-house design and manufacture of reliable commercial probes.
Marco Tortonese PhD, Vice President and General Manager of Bruker AFM
PeakForce SECM of semiconductors

PeakForce SECM images of a semiconductor photoelectrode
decorated with nanoparticle catalysts. (A) Topography; (B) Tip
current map during the main scan; (C) Electrochemical
current map during the lift scan. 400 pN PeakForce, 0.2 Hz
scan rate, 750 nm scan size, 75 nm lift height. Sample image
courtesy of J. Jiang, Caltech.

SECM Applications

PeakForce SECM uses Bruker’s exclusive PeakForce Tapping for a new approach to SECM. Its capability is extended to nanoscale electrochemistry, electrical and mechanical mapping of a wide variety of samples, from soft biological systems to polymers. Correlate biological, chemical and physical properties with morphological structures at the nanoscale:

  • Energy devices
  • Catalysis
  • Corrosion
  • Environmental applications
  • Biological systems
  • Biochemical sensor research
  • …and more
SECM Probes

Probes designed specifically for SECM

Probe Technology

Bruker PeakForce SECM probes are batch fabricated using proprietary methods for consistently high quality nano-electrodes. An optimised conductive path and special coating techniques eliminate pinholes, for negligible leakage and capacitive currents.

PeakForce SECM improves resolving power over traditional approaches by orders of magnitude, and opens the door to electrochemical measurements on individual nanoparticles, nanophases and nanopores.

For more information about PeakForce SECM, or if you have any questions, please get in touch:

 Contact us on +44 (0)1223 422 269 or

 PeakForce SECM Brochure

Bruker Dimension Icon AFM

Bruker PeakForce SECM