Flagship of the XRD range. Unrivalled accuracy and reliability.
The Bruker D8 DISCOVER Plus is the flagship of the Bruker XRD (X-Ray Diffraction) range.
Setting a new standard for XRD, with faster collection of higher quality data for all applications, from classic powder diffraction to epitaxial thin film characterisation.
Flagship of the XRD range. Unrivalled accuracy and reliability.
Multipurpose and dedicated models.
Compatible with a range of components.
Each instrument is individually checked and verified.
Extra signal is always an advantage in X-ray Diffraction, for better data quality, signal-to-noise and sample throughput.
The TXS-HE High Efficiency Turbo X-ray Source boosts signal while minimising the maintenance associated with rotating anode technology.
The goniometer is key to accurate sample analysis. The ATLAS goniometer features precise orientation of components for the highest accuracy during measurement:
Equip the D8 DISCOVER Plus with the non-coplanar arm and MONTEL Plus X-ray optics for the highest intensity for in plane diffraction. More info…
The new system is compatible with the full range of D8 DISCOVER components including:
Instruments for measuring thin films and coatings.
View our range of solutions for battery and fuel cell research, green energy, semiconductors and solar cells.
We offer a range of instruments for elemental and mineral analysis, mapping and imaging in geology and geoscience.
Take a look at our range for metals analysis and process control in production.
With microdiffraction you can analyse smaller spots in-situ without grinding to a powder, for information that can be missed by powder analysis.