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Product Updates, Scientific Papers and Events

Geology in Renewable Energy Conference

Geology for Renewable and Sustainable Energy – Virtual Conference 26/11/20

Join us for a 3 hour virtual conference on Thursday 26th November 2020 at 10:30am GMT / 11:30 CET about scientific techniques for geology in the growing field of green, renewable energy. Missed the event or want to watch it again? A recording is available to watch on-demand – fill in our quick online form […]

Renishaw Raman Spectrum Search

Renishaw Spectrum Search: Easily Identify Materials in a Mixture with Raman Spectroscopy

Renishaw’s Spectrum Search is a new software feature that automates the process of identifying components within a mixture with Raman spectroscopy.

Coronavirus Mapped with Cryo-EM

Cryo-EM in Coronavirus Research

A round-up of published coronavirus research and articles involving cryo-EM and technology from Gatan.

What is APT? (Atom Probe Tomography)

Atom Probe Tomography (APT) is the only materials analysis technique offering extensive capabilities for both 3D imaging and chemical composition measurement at the atomic scale.


SIMS Meteorite Research Reveals the Origin of Water on Earth

In new research about the origin of water on Earth, SIMS analysis has revealed that enstatite meteorites contain sufficient hydrogen for at least three times the mass of water in the oceans. The research at CRPG Nancy (Research Center Pétrographiques Et Géochimiques) in France used SIMS technology from CAMECA. Blue Scientific is the official distributor […]

DNA metastable bubble formation and closure, taken with the Bruker JPK NanoRacer

New Bruker JPK NanoRacer AFM for Single Molecule Applications

The Bruker JPK NanoRacer is a biological AFM (Atomic Force Microscope) with speeds of up to 50 frames per second for studying dynamic biological processes in real time.

GaN Nanowire Defects

Studying Defect Formation in GaN Structures with AFM

Lund University in Sweden recently published two scientific papers about studying defects in GaN nanowires and structures, using AFM and various complementary techniques.

Bruker X-Ray Tubes

Bruker X-Ray Tubes Mid-Year Sale

For a limited time, there’s a discount on Bruker X-ray tubes for XRD, XRF and SC-XRD.

Renishaw InVia InSpect

Renishaw InVia InSpect: Raman Microscope for Forensic Trace Analysis

The Renishaw inVia InSpect is a new version of Renishaw’s inVia confocal Raman microscope, optimised specifically for use in forensic laboratories for trace chemical analysis.

Bruker EIGER2 R 500K XRD Webinar

Pre-Owned XRD, XRF and Crystallography Instruments (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland)

A limited number of refurbished, ex-demo and pre-owned Bruker XRF, XRD and SC-XRD systems are available for sale.

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