The new Bruker Dimension IconIR is a large-sample nanoscale infrared spectroscopy and chemical imaging system. It sets new standards in chemical and material property mapping with sub-10nm chemical imaging resolution.
With Renishaw’s new Correlate software module, you can combine results from various microscopy techniques for more powerful data.
The Bruker nanoIR3-s Broadband is the most advanced s-SNOM based nanoscale FTIR spectroscopy system available, with the broadest spectral range, high resolution nanochemical and nano-optical imaging capabilities.
How nanoscale infrared spectroscopy can be used to measure semiconductor materials in defect and contamination analysis, and fabrication.
Unambiguously identify organic contamination on silicon wafers and micro-electronics with a AFM-IR technique, using the Bruker Anasys nanoIR3.
We’re now the official distributor for Bruker Anasys nanoscale infrared spectroscopy & thermal measurement instruments in the Nordic region (Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Iceland & Norway).
Polymer analysis webinar about using AFM-IR (nanoscale IR spectroscopy) and related problem solving techniques. The webinar is on Thursday 11th December 2014 at 4pm GMT, and is hosted by Anasys Instruments. View our range of scientific instruments AFM-IR is a breakthrough technique that it is rapidly being adopted as the method of choice for polymer […]
AFM-IR Video AFM-IR is a pioneering nanoscale surface analysis technique that combines AFM (atomic force microscopy) with infrared (IR) spectroscopy. Watch the AFM-IR video from Anasys for an easy-to-understand, visual explanation of what AFM-IR is and how the technique captures spectra alongside AFM-IR images. nanoIR2™ AFM-IR System The Anasys nanoIR2 is a nanoscale IR spectroscopy platform. The system features […]
AFM-IR webinar about nanoscale IR spectroscopy for materials and life science, presented by Anasys Instruments on Tuesday 21st October at 8am PST (4pm GMT). Learn about revolutionary AFM-IR surface analysis technique and why it is being adopted as the new method of choice for nanoscale chemical identification and composition mapping. With sub-50nm spatial resolution, AFM-IR is an entirely […]